Washington University in St. Louis; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP outlines the data management process of a human study evaluating the use of a novel drug, Ozurdex on treating Diabetic Macular Edema.
McMaster University
This data management plan template is designed to facilitate group collaboration among a diverse range of stakeholders, including artists, researchers, research participants, social service workers, community organizers, and community workers. It is intentionally crafted in plain language to facilitate accessibility and understanding for all parties involved. Additionally, it frames the process as conversation as opposed to a more traditional form, fostering relational approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
This is an example of a data management plan from the NIH, intended to collect clinical, demographic, and dialysis data from research participants.
Newcastle University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect data on "audio-recordings of conversations during workshops", observational notes, summary of main points, and videos generated by study participants to answer the research question.
Innovative Medicines Initiative
This DMP was created for the ConcePTION project, which aims to create an ecosystem that will collect information regarding the effects of medications used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The DMP will outline the collection of healthcare data, surveillance data, research data, pharmacovigilance data, human reported data, human milk and blood samples, animal milk and blood data, and human cells.
Digital Research Alliance of Canada; Western University, Queen's University
This is an example data management plan from the Alliance which aims to create a database of digital products from the Canadian Census of Population. The database includes text base data collected from Statistics Canada.
Canadian Research Data Centre Network; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for researchers conducting statistics based research for Statistics Canada.
University of Alberta; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for mixed-methods research where data is obtained from surveys and qualitative interviews/focus groups.
Canadian Research Data Centre Network; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for researchers conducting statistics based research for Statistics Canada for use in external analyses and applications.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute; Metaresearch and Open Science
Developed by researchers for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, this guidance and worked example extracts examples from Beck, Leblanc, and Morissette's systematic review protocol on depression screening of children and adolescents. It outlines a data management plan for a systematic review study.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute; Metaresearch and Open Science
Developed by researchers for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, this guidance and worked example outlines a data management plan for a pre-clinical laboratory animal study. This DMP outlines a project to explore stroke treatments using biocellulose duroplasty with rat subjects.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute; Metaresearch and Open Science
Developed by researchers for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, this guidance and worked example outlines a data management plan for a randomized controlled trial conducted with 100 human participants. Demographic data will be collected from participants, and then other data is collected by an electroencephalogram, electroculogram, electromyogram, as well as video and sound.
National Institute on Aging (NIA); Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a DMP for a hypothetical drug discovery including intellectual property using mice: chemical structures, workflows, medicinal and analytical chemistry, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and PET imaging. Data and protocols are proposed to be shared in PubChem and AD Knowledge Portal.
Washington University in St. Louis; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect demographic, clinical, and patient data in the form of MRI scans as well as patient placenta and tissue data from pregnant people diagnosed with fetal CHD.
University of Plymouth
This DMP aims to collect survey data to be used for understanding the employee perception of the economic outlook in Myanmar.
FACTS4WORKERS Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the FACTS4WORKERS project, which aims to use its collected data to develop and demonstrate workplace solutions that support and empower workers using smart factory infrastructure. The data to be collected includes 41 interviews with workers at 6 industrial partners, photos, videos, and data from focus groups.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK); Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This example DMP aims to collect genomic and phenotypic data from 36 human subjects.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute; Metaresearch and Open Science
Developed by researchers for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, this guidance and worked example outlines a hypothetical genomic study into acute lymphoblastic leukaemia using blood drawn from patients, healthy volunteers, and mouse models.
Women Food and Agriculture Network
This DMP aims to collect both digital and non-digital including online program participant registrations, outreach materials, project activity tracking, and assessment questionnaires. This data will be used in the effort of providing more opportunities for women farmers, as well as boosting aspects of confidence, interest, commitment, and connectivity with respect to the farming field.
This DMP was created for the HOME_EU project which studies homelessness. The DMP outlines the collection of interview data from 5,600 expected adults across 8 countries.
Newcastle University
This DMP aims to collect survey data from a minimum of 30 participants for the purpose of identifying higher order therapy skills.
Universität Passau
This DMP was created for the MARIO project, which aims to use service robots to manage active and healthy aging. This DMP will outline the collection of survey data, patient profile information, and robot interaction datasets.
University of Nebraska--Lincoln; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect data to "reduce the risk of hazard material transportation, reduce crashes, improve emergency response times for unexpected events, and increase the overall safety of system workers and users."
University of Alberta; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a DMP example for a fictional research study that will use a mixed-methods approach to collect participant data from interviews, surveys, and focus groups. This example uses the new Alliance Simplified Template (Funding Application Stage) which focuses on 5 questions that are helpful for a DMP that meets new Tri-Agency requirements.
Karolinska Institutet
This DMP aims to collect laboratory measurements, diagnosis and procedural data, information about mortality, and clinical characteristic data of disease. All data will be used in aid of identifying best clinical practices for effective and safe use of medications for Chronic Kidney Disease.
Monash University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This large-scale project aims to generate an integrated model of primary healthcare for refugee clients in Australia. Their DMP is an excellent example of an in-depth process-based DMP that outlines governance, organization, documentation, and storage for all data types, and sharing and access (including how requests should be made).
McMaster University; Offord Center for Child Studies
This DMP aims to collect questionnaires, personal data, computer-based tasks & output, ECG’s, EDA’s, videos, audio recordings, data analysis files, linkage data, interviews, and transcripts. This data will be used for the Promoting Healthy Families project, which will assess whether Triple P and COSP can help promote healthy family relationships.
Cégep de Jonquière; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This DMP aims to collect qualitative and quantitative data from semi-structured interviews and surveys to evaluate how millennials adapt to adulthood.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
This is a sample data management plan created by the ICPRSR, intended to be edited and customized by the user. It is a general data management template with basic information filled in to give researchers an idea of where to start.
University of Alabama Birmingham; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is an example DMP that aims to collect gene and protein expression data to assess DNA methylation and its impact on cardiac function.