Repository Metadata
Metadata is "data about data." In addition to project-level metadata that might help your data align with disciplinary standards, there are also metadata—links and keywords—that are important to add to your data deposit. Keywords (author, title, language, description, etc) as well as details like geographic coordinates or dates of collection help make sure your data is findable by other researchers. These fields are often interconnected across different websites and mean that when you share data in McMaster Dataverse, information is searchable in national and international research data sources. Make sure as many fields are inputted as are relevant to your research.
Some repositories have their own metadata standards, systems which ensure data is described, interpreted, and used the same way across users and groups. For example, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)'s metadata standard is Data Documentation Initiative (DDI), which is commonly used for data produced for surveys. If you end up depositing in McMaster Dataverse, the metadata standard is Simple Dublin Core, and it is also compliant with DDI and DataCite.
You should also reference any disciplinary project-level metadata in your README file and the repository's metadata fields, where appropriate.
Connect Researchers, Publications, and Code
Research involves a lot of stakeholders, products, sources: researchers, publications, data, code, grants, institutions, and more. Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are unique and immovable touchpoints or anchors. They help facilitate links between researchers, publications, and more. PIDs make information clearer for humans reading them, and also make more stable, interconnected systems for computers to read. Alongside keywords, it's important to include these relevant links alongside your data deposit.
Open Researcher and Contributor IDs (ORCIDs) are are persistent identifiers for researchers, contributors, and authors. ORCID is an open, global, community-built not-for-profit organization that is free for users and sustained by member organizations. ORCIDs help authors who share a name (i.e. Nushi Devi, John Smith, Grace Wang) distinguish themselves from other researchers. It also lets you automate connections between your research. When you publish data in a data repository, including your ORCID means it can easily port to a research profile like McMaster Experts. Register for an ORCID. Consider linking to the many people involved in your research. The Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) can help you think through all of the contributors to your dataset.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are persistent identifiers for articles, books, ebooks, datasets, software, and more. DOIs are managed by not-for-profit organizations Crossref and DataCite, which can create DOIs. When you deposit data in a repository, make sure to your publication DOI in the corresponding field. Publishing your dataset will create a DOI. Link the dataset DOI to your publication and include a citation.
Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a persistent identifier for universities, research institutions, research centres and more. ROR is a global, community-led registry, a collaborative initiative of the California Digital Library, Crossref, and DataCite. McMaster University's ROR is and the McMaster Children's Hospital's ROR is You can include this in your README file and the repository fields.
Sometimes determining where Code and Research Software should go in a data deposit can be difficult. If your code and scripts are directly developed to process or analyze your dataset, it's best to include them alongside your data deposit. However, you may prefer to deposit code and software in a platform made for those formats. These often include version control and license options specifically designed for software. In these cases, we recommend depositing in Zenodo, an open research platform designed for publications, software, and more. You can even link GitHub with Zenodo to ensure each release triggers a new version. In this case, you can add the DOI from your code or software to your dataset and vice versa. McMaster's Research Software Development team can help in guiding this, or you can contact RDM Services or set up an appointment to discuss further.