Data Management Plan Database
A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how you will manage, store, secure, document, and share research data. DMPs can vary broadly across disciplines, methodologies, and data types. DMPs are a growing requirement for grants, and can also guide data practices for individuals and teams. DMP Assistant is a free webtool that guides you through drafting your DMP and the easiest way to start building a DMP.
Our database gathers examples from across the world including DMPs from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Qualitative DMP Competition, DataOne, Digital Curation Centre, Liber, the Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance, and UC San Diego Research Data Curation into one searchable, open-access platform.
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Project Team: Shrey Acharya (RDM Assistant - 2023), Sarthak Behal (RDM Assistant 2022-23), Danica Evering and Isaac Pratt (RDM Specialists), Debbie Lawlor (Developer).
Data Management Plan Database
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 205
This DMP aims to collect data on the supply and demand for additive manufacturing spare parts in order to optimize the supply chain network.
This DMP aims to collect meteorological, physiochemical, environmental, and copepod population data to determine the effect of heavy metal on Estuarine Copepods.
This DMP investigates Afro-descendant movement in Latin America and subsequent self-determined collectives using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, & participatory workshops.
This is a Data Management Plan reviewing archival data from the National Public Broadcasting Archives, National Public Radio organizational records, and semi-structured interviews with nonwhite broadcasters and public radio employees in the USA and Australia to analyze diversity efforts in Public Radio Organizations.
This DMP outlines the data management process of a human study evaluating the use of a novel drug, Ozurdex on treating Diabetic Macular Edema.
This data management plan from the University of Glasgow aims to build two online atlases of Scots syntactic features with a "Google Maps" style interface with audio recordings and geospatial, sociological and biographical material.
This is an annotated DMP template for a Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)grant containing guidance text produced by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and the University of Sheffield Library.
This DMP aims to collect data to investigate the effect nutrient limitation in grasslands on arthropod community diversity and growth levels.
This DMP aims to collect data from a Landsat Device like surface reflectance to assess the quality of a water source.
This DMP aims to collect data on the CO2 concentrations present in the air on Mauna Lao, a remote island observatory.
This DMP aims to collect genetic data of coral populations in the Florida Keys to better understand why nearshore coral reef patches do not recolonize the depleting offshore reef tract.
This DMP aims to collect data to evaluate how people behave when placed in "moral choice situations."
This DMP aims to collect samples from the field to better understand biogenic carbonates through investigating microbes and minerals.
This project aims to ascertain whether "four approaches" can "improve the education and degree completion of low-income students at public STEM-focused Hispanic serving institutions."
This DMP will collect meteorological and environmental data on the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Watersheds.
This is a data management plan from UC San Diego which details a plan for the CARE platform, which will create a software tool to access various datasets from selected sources.
This DMP outlines a plan for experimental testing, characterization, and simulation data for experiments with nickel-titanium shape memory alloys using a laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process. This includes thermal and precipitates evolution physics based modelling.
In order to better understand how recalcitrant organic matter becomes bioavailable, the DMP aims to collect geochemical, experimental, and observational data from water samples from White Oak River sites and Mid-Atlantic Bright Samples.
This DMP will collect electrophysiological, histological, and head position data from rats to investigate the firing rate of neurons among other analyses to answer the research question.
This DMP will collect compositional, electrochemical property, and structural data to investigate their effects on the rate of electron transfer and structural stability of such Na-ion cathode materials.
This DMP will collect patient data (demographics, accuracy & reaction time for experimental tests, & results from computer model simulations) to ascertain the impact of causal inference in visual identification.
This DMP will collect data from surveys "to understand the relationship between traveler behavior, mobility choices, and attitudes and values."
This DMP aims to collect coastal data on waves mostly in the coastal US and South Pacific.
This DMP will utilize and analyze data from an already existing dataset to understand coastal ocean processes in North-East Greenland.
This DMP aims to collect data on student satisfaction and performance in a geoscience class when video linking course content to actual careers is shown versus when it is not.
DMP for conducting computational neuroscience research to determine brain function.
This DMP aims to collect data to establish a novel mode of interaction between fluids and solids.
This DMP aims to collect data on coral reefs in the Gulf of Maine to better understand how they impact their habitat, their rate of reproduction, and how other marine life uses the coral reefs.
This is a sample data management plan from UC San Diego which details a strategy to collect and analyze data for research in the field of physical oceanography.