Data Management Plan Database

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how you will manage, store, secure, document, and share research data. DMPs can vary broadly across disciplines, methodologies, and data types. DMPs are a growing requirement for grants, and can also guide data practices for individuals and teams. DMP Assistant is a free webtool that guides you through drafting your DMP and the easiest way to start building a DMP. 

Our database gathers examples from across the world including DMPs from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Qualitative DMP Competition, DataOne, Digital Curation Centre, Liber, the Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance, and UC San Diego Research Data Curation into one searchable, open-access platform. 

Download the amalgamated dataset:

Project Team: Shrey Acharya (RDM Assistant - 2023), Sarthak Behal (RDM Assistant 2022-23), Danica Evering and Isaac Pratt (RDM Specialists), Debbie Lawlor (Developer).

Data Management Plan Database

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Displaying 61 - 90 of 205

University of Calgary
This is a template DMP for use in systematic review projects in any field.
University of New Brunswick
This is a template DMP for use in projects that combine scientific methods with computer simulations/modelling to study molecular interactions.
University of Saskatchewan
This is a template DMP for qualitative research projects in the health sciences conducted on human participants.
University of Ottawa; CAU Kiel University
This is a template DMP for mixed social sciences research projects that adopt an open scholarship workflow and produce both qualitative and quantitative datasets.
McGill University
This is a template DMP for clinical and biological research projects involving imaging. This particular example includes neuroimaging and pertains to the field of neurosciences.
University of Alberta
This is a template DMP for mixed-methods research where data is obtained from surveys and qualitative interviews/focus groups.
University of Saskatchewan
This is a template DMP for research project utilizing technology and/or software for application in healthcare and medicine.
Université du Québec à Montréal
This is a template DMP for researchers conducting historical research within the humanities utilizing analog research data.
University of Alberta
This is a template DMP for arts-based research intending for projects that will utilize artistic research methods.
University of Waterloo; McMaster University; The Gordon Foundation; University of Saskatchewan; Wilfrid Laurier University
This is a template DMP for oceanographic research to generate water quality data.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

This is a DMP template for researchers at the H.W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science applying to the National Science Foundation (NSF). This DMP template is for data that contains Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Leiden University

This is a DMP template for researchers at Leiden University, The Netherlands. It has a checkbox format instead of a paragraph format which could be useful for certain researchers.

Canadian Research Data Centre Network
This is a template DMP for researchers conducting statistics based research for Statistics Canada.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

This is a DMP template for researchers at the H.W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science applying to the National Science Foundation (NSF). This DMP template is for data that does not contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Cégep de Sherbrooke
This DMP aims to collect digital, tabular, and graphic data on plastic production parameters, environmental conditions, and inspectional measures among other factors to optimize the industrial extrusion process.
Rice University

This is a set of sample DMPs produced by the Rice Research Data Management Team containing a preamble explaining recommended content and two Sample DMPs for Biosciences and Social and Behavioral Sciences.

University of New Mexico

This is a data management plan that will collect patient and population-level data in order to determine the effectiveness of a new drug, rizatriptan on treating acute migraines at their onset or in a later phase.

Delft University of Technology

This data management plan from LIBER aims to develop methods to reduce uncertainty in the quantification of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) results.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

This DMP aims to collect data in order "to develop a system to detect clouds in real time with high accuracy by implementing an intelligent low-cost Cloud Motion Vector System (CMVS) design."

University of Waterloo
This DMP aims to collect photographs, Raman data, and lab data to develop new and efficient techniques for synthesizing two-dimensional perovskites at lower temperatures.
University of Southern California

This DMP attempts to redevelop a methodology of measuring Fe(II) in ocean seawater columns to create a better estimate of its concentration.

University of Maryland, College Park

This DMP highlights how a Digital Curation Innovation Center will manage its data.

University of Kansas

This DMP outlines the steps that will be taken when digitizing herbarium samples include images of herbarium specimens, specimen data, georeferenced data, programming, and more.

University of Alabama

This DMP aims to collect data from public records and judicial proceedings to investigate and better understand the litigation process.

University of Leeds

Includes two example DMPs from the University of Leeds covering research involving the collection of primary data by use of interviews and focus groups.

University of Notre Dame

This DMP articulates the RDM procedures that will be undertaken for a FAIR Hackathon Workshop.

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

This DMP aims to collect clinical and demographic data to better understand the association between balance deficits and urinary tract infections as well as low back pain.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This DMP aims to collect data on fish grazing intensity and algal biomass on water temperature and population control of primary producers.

University of California, Irvine

This DMP aims to collect qualitative and quantitative survey information to improve DMPs and make them more actionable.

Louisiana State University

This DMP aims to collect coastal hazard data, property damages, GIS shape files, and socio-economic demographic data in order to understand changes in populations near/in vulnerable coastal regions.