Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for the Blend System, which aims to provide a comprehensive accounting of groundfish catch. The project collects digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
McMaster University
This data management plan template is designed to facilitate group collaboration among a diverse range of stakeholders, including artists, researchers, research participants, social service workers, community organizers, and community workers. It is intentionally crafted in plain language to facilitate accessibility and understanding for all parties involved. Additionally, it frames the process as conversation as opposed to a more traditional form, fostering relational approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration.
Digital Research Alliance of Canada; University of Alberta
This is an example data management plan from the Alliance which intends to study the historical and cultural influence of Belgian and French immigrants to the Canadian Prairies. The data collected for analysis include text-based, image and geographical data.
California Ocean Science Trust
This DMP was created for California’s Statewide MPA Monitoring Program, collecting four levels of data. Data types include ecological data, fisheries landings data, environmental data, field and measurements.
Digital Research Alliance of Canada; University of Saskatchewan
This DMP describes a plan for a study to collect data from academic profile websites--Google Scholar, Citations, ResearchGate,, and ORCID--to understand the presence of librarian researchers on those platforms. Data collected for analysis includes textual and numerical data across different platforms and translated in to SPSS for analysis.
Digital Research Alliance of Canada; Simon Fraser University
This sample data management plan from the Alliance aims to create a comprehensive digital database of women's contributions to print culture from 1750 to 1830. It uses data collected from a variety of digital databases and print bibliographies and uses a metadata schema developed by the authors.
University of Waterloo; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This DMP aims to collect text, binary (ASCII, binary), images, audio, etc. data to develop advanced research computing frameworks and infrastructure for application in various fields like quantum chemistry, biochemistry, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
University of Saskatchewan; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for research project utilizing technology and/or software for application in healthcare and medicine.
Cégep de Sherbrooke; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This DMP aims to collect digital, tabular, and graphic data on plastic production parameters, environmental conditions, and inspectional measures among other factors to optimize the industrial extrusion process.
This DMP aims to create software maps in order better read and store HDF files.
This DMP was created for the InterFlex project, which aims to look at ways to adapt and modernize the electric distribution system. The DMP will outline the collection of documents, financial data, facility data, network data, and customer data.
UC San Diego
This data management plan is from Allan Snavely's proposal to the Strategic Technologies for Cyberinfrastructure (STCI) program.
Christopher Newport University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will generate draft papers, software prototypes, configurational files, and other computational applications to improve cryptographic software fingerprinting.
University of Edinburgh
This DMP aims to collect photos, videos, sketches of elements, survey observations, and project documents, in order to understand from a technical perspective, how to reconstruct French cathedrals after the first world war.
Botanic Garden Meise; Research Institute for Nature and Forest
This DMP was created for the TrIAS Project, which aims to formulate better predictions of the risks posed by alien invasive species in Belgium. It aims to collect observational data, checklists, climate data, assessment data, and code.