Data Management Plan Database

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how you will manage, store, secure, document, and share research data. DMPs can vary broadly across disciplines, methodologies, and data types. DMPs are a growing requirement for grants, and can also guide data practices for individuals and teams. DMP Assistant is a free webtool that guides you through drafting your DMP and the easiest way to start building a DMP. 

Our database gathers examples from across the world including DMPs from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Qualitative DMP Competition, DataOne, Digital Curation Centre, Liber, the Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance, and UC San Diego Research Data Curation into one searchable, open-access platform. 

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Project Team: Rebeca Gaston Jothyraj (RDM Assistant - 2024), Shrey Acharya (RDM Assistant - 2023), Sarthak Behal (RDM Assistant 2022-23), Danica Evering and Isaac Pratt (RDM Specialists), Debbie Lawlor (Developer).

Data Management Plan Database

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 177

Wilfrid Laurier University
This DMP aims to collect survey data in order to examine the changes in the library landscape with regards to visible minority librarians. This will help the Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC) Network to empower librarians in this group regarding their current positions, and any future positions revolving around leadership, mentorship, and networking.
Newcastle University
This DMP predicts to collect spectrograms, and formant frequencies. This data will be used in the aim to understand how singers’ accent and pronunciation contributes to the ways their music is received and understood.
Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
This DMP was created for the AfricaMalVal project, which aims to develop EU-Africa partnership for responsible and sustainable sourcing of minerals.
University of Massachusetts Amherst; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP investigates Afro-descendant movement in Latin America and subsequent self-determined collectives using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and participatory workshops.
Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for the Blend System, which aims to provide a comprehensive accounting of groundfish catch. The project collects digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for the Catch Accounting System, which aims to create total catch estimates for the groundfish fisheries. This DMP outlines the collection of digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
Bard Graduate Center; Open Anthropology Research Repository
This DMP aims to collect digitized materials, fonts, search algorithms, and software. The digitized materials will consist of historical and recent photographs, newspaper clippings, sound recordings, video clips, interviews, published essays, narratives, and songs.
University of Salford
This DMP aims to collect demographic, diagnoses, quantitative, and textual data in the aim to potentially provide international evidence about the vulnerabilities of individuals with PAE/FASD.
Brown University; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This is a Data Management Plan reviewing archival data from the National Public Broadcasting Archives, National Public Radio organizational records, and semi-structured interviews with non-white broadcasters and public radio employees in the USA and Australia to analyze diversity efforts in Public Radio Organizations.
Florida State University; Open Anthropology Research Repository

This DMP aims to collect image and video data, metadata, code, analytic and methodological data, assessment and evaluation data, digital assets, and interpretive materials.

Open Anthropology Research Repository

This DMP aims to collect archaeological data expressed in a variety of open formats including, JSON, and Atom Syndication Format.

University of Glasgow, Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
This data management plan from the University of Glasgow aims to build two online atlases of Scots syntactic features with a "Google Maps" style interface with audio recordings and geospatial, sociological and biographical material.
University of Sheffield; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is an annotated DMP template for a Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)grant containing guidance text produced by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and the University of Sheffield Library.
McMaster University
This data management plan template is designed to facilitate group collaboration among a diverse range of stakeholders, including artists, researchers, research participants, social service workers, community organizers, and community workers. It is intentionally crafted in plain language to facilitate accessibility and understanding for all parties involved. Additionally, it frames the process as conversation as opposed to a more traditional form, fostering relational approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
This DMP was created for the audioCommons project, which aims to create an ecosystem for reuse of audio content, to encourage creativity and innovation.
TU Delft; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data to evaluate how people behave when placed in "moral choice situations."
Open Anthropology Research Repository

This DMP aims to collect 3D digital data, algorithms for shape analysis, publications, and conferences. 

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This project aims to ascertain whether "four approaches" can "improve the education and degree completion of low-income students at public STEM-focused Hispanic serving institutions."
McMaster University
This DMP aims to collect info data, raw data, processed data, analyzed data, and report data. The goal of the project is to build a research and technology center to develop high-performance methods for biosensing and bioimaging.
CLARITY Consortium
This DMP is created for the CLARITY project which aims to provide an operational eco-system of cloud-based climate services.
Newcastle University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect data on "audio-recordings of conversations during workshops", observational notes, summary of main points, and videos generated by study participants to answer the research question.
University of Minnesota
This DMP aims to collect software application code documentation and journal articles for the community workbench for studying enlightenment media.
University of Texas at Austin
This DMP is a sample in the linguistics field, specifically pertaining to acoustic phonetics. The data collected will be audio recordings, Praat text grid files, Praat scripts, and measurement data.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data from structured interviews and secondary data from COVID-19 hospitalizations and social distancing mobilization in Florida county health departments. This will be done in an attempt to understand "the roles and patterns of institutional collaborative mechanisms across scale and functions that are used to overcome collective action dilemmas produced by the COVID-19 pandemic."
University of Texas at San Antonio; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This DMP collects histories and experiences of members of the Hispanic community in San Antonia during COVID-19.
CRACKER Consortium
This DMP was created in accordance with the project CRACKER, which aims to “crack the language barrier”. The DMP outlines the collection of various forms of data including, text, audio, video, machine-readable dictionaries, terminological resources, and computational grammars.
Open Anthropology Research Repository

This DMP aims to collect survey data, digital scans, transcriptions, and fieldnotes from observations.

Open Anthropology Research Repository

This DMP is curated to document 20 – 25 digital stories depicting Detroit’s ethnic histories. The data collected will include a combination of digital images, audio and video.

Toronto Metropolitan University
This DMP aims to collect press reports, box office records, films, interviews, and MAXQDA files. The goal of the project is to study cultural diversity in film festivals.
CYBECO Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the CYBECO project, which aims to collect data from various studies, to be used for supporting cyber insurance from a behavioral perspective.