Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP aims to collect telemetry data, digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, location data, biological samples, and tabular data. This data will be used for assessing the pinnipeds inhabiting the California Current in relation to the sea lions and seals.
Ayesa Advanced Technologies
This DMP was created for the AGRICORE project which aims to create an agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies. This DMP outlines the usage of a collection of datasets, each with their own respective file formats. Data types include tabular data, textual data, documentation, scripts, audio, images, and video data.
Coventry University; Centre for Agroecology; Water and Resilience
This DMP was created for the AGROMIX project which aims for sustainable food security. This DMP outlines the collection of various kinds of data, ranging from models and surveys, to experimental data.
Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for Alaska Steller sea lion capture data. The project collects digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
SoilWise Consortium
This DMP is for the SoilWise project and aims to create an open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils. The DMP aims to collect repositories, records, graphs, and all kinds of data/knowledge about soils.
University of Leeds; ARPHA Preprints
This DMP was created for the H2020 BESMAP project. The project aims to collect geospatial databases, socio-economic models, and farming system archetypes.
Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.); Defense Technical Information Centre
This DMP is a template for the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).
This DMP is a template created for animal based projects.
This DMP aims to collect audio data from stationary recorders and audio logger data. This data will be used in the efforts of studying the disturbance on barren-ground caribou with a two-pronged acoustic monitoring approach.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect numeric data only. The aim of the project is to investigate 4 fertilizer placements used by strip-tillers.
CIRAD, with contributions from WP4 and all SC partners
This DMP was created for the LEAP4NSSA project, which aims to establish a sustainable platform for the implementation of the AU-EU Research and Innovation Partnership. The data collected includes datasets from text and data mining, quantitative and qualitative data, and documentation data.
USDA; National Agricultural Library
This DMP is an example provided by the National Agriculture Library.
USDA; National Agricultural Library
This DMP is an annotated example provided by the National Agriculture Library.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect numeric field data to be used to diversify and enhance The University of Guelph’s soybean breeding.
University of Florida
This DMP was created for a project aimed to quantify ecosystem service development in human-made oyster reefs. The data collected is expected to consist of both observational and sampled data, along with water quality information such as salinity and temperature.
Pennsylvania State University
This DMP aims to collect DNA and RNA sequencing data translated into genomes and transcriptomes, count data, phenotypic measurements, and site-specific methylation status data. This data will be used in the aim to guide epigenetic breeding in related cereal crops to enhance biotic and abiotic stress-tolerance.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect numeric data to determine if intervention with a NSAID upon an alert on an automatic feeder can improve calf behavior, glucose status, and performance.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. This data is mainly numerical and includes soil structural properties, crop measurements, and general site information. Data collected will be used in the study of no-till corn and soybean production in high-residue environments via improved planter components.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect numeric data to improve the productivity and profitability of Ontario garlic sector.
California State University, Channel Islands
This DMP aims to collect observational data including oak tree height, Lat, log, width, and acorn count. This data will be collected by surveying Harmon Canyons Oak trees in order to understand Canopy cover and the biodiversity that lies under the cover.
Econutri Consortium
This DMP was curated for the econutri project, which aims to innovate concepts and technologies for ecologically sustainable nutrient management in agriculture. This DMP collects various forms of data including datasets, Standard Operating Procedures, publications, and reports.
University of Georgia
This DMP aims to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. This will mainly consist of experimental and analysis data, which will be used in the efforts of investigating the genetic diversity of pantoea ananatis.
Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving
This DMP was created for the MAGIC project which studies marginal lands for growing industrial crops. The DMP will outline the collection of field trial data, crop data, yield result data, and quality result data.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect DNA sequences acquired from MiSeq analysis of soil metagenomic DNA. This data will be used to investigate approaches for assessing biological indicators of soil health.
University of Oxford
This DMP aims to collect audio, video, photographs, written information, and geospatial data. This data will be used for investigating the agricultural practices of broomcorn millet and foxtail millet during prehistoric times.
ONFARM Consortium
This DMP was curated for the ONFARM project in aid of dealing with their soil health data, and their water quality/quantity data.
The James Hutton Institute
This DMP was created for the PLAID project which aims to develop best practice
Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for Platform Removal Observer Program databases. The project collects digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect numeric data on tomato characteristics to study how to increase diversity in processing tomato breeding lines in Ontario.
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect numeric data, and drone images/video footage. This data will be used to advance integrated management tools for minimizing disease loss from tar spots on corn.