Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for the Catch Accounting System, which aims to create total catch estimates for the groundfish fisheries. This DMP outlines the collection of digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
McMaster University
This data management plan template is designed to facilitate group collaboration among a diverse range of stakeholders, including artists, researchers, research participants, social service workers, community organizers, and community workers. It is intentionally crafted in plain language to facilitate accessibility and understanding for all parties involved. Additionally, it frames the process as conversation as opposed to a more traditional form, fostering relational approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
This is an example of a data management plan from the NIH, intended to collect clinical, demographic, and dialysis data from research participants.
CRACKER Consortium
This DMP was created in accordance with the project CRACKER, which aims to “crack the language barrier”. The DMP outlines the collection of various forms of data including, text, audio, video, machine-readable dictionaries, terminological resources, and computational grammars.
Digital Research Alliance of Canada; University of Waterloo
This DMP example show uses a case study of relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics data to show how management strategies can support computational reproducibility in High-Performance Computing. Data are the inputs and outputs of the numerical simulation model.
Canadian Research Data Centre Network; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for researchers conducting statistics based research for Statistics Canada.
University of Alberta; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for mixed-methods research where data is obtained from surveys and qualitative interviews/focus groups.
University of Saskatchewan; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for qualitative research projects in the health sciences conducted on human participants.
Canadian Research Data Centre Network; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for researchers conducting statistics based research for Statistics Canada for use in external analyses and applications.
University of Calgary; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for use in systematic review projects in any field.
University of Cambridge; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the DIGIWHIST project which aims to systematically evaluate information on public procurement in 35 jurisdictions across Europe. Data collected includes procurement data, and public sector data.
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect clinical and demographic data to better understand the association between balance deficits and urinary tract infections as well as low back pain.
TRACK Consortium
This DMP was created for the TRACK project, which aims to benchmark and identify energy efficiency opportunities for buildings. The DMP will outline the collection of publication data, datasets, technology data, data models, pictures, videos, audio, interview data, and building data.
Johns Hopkins University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect and create a public dataset of over 4000 MRI and CT scans of patients with various brain illnesses including but not limited to acute stroke and manual lesions.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
This is an example of a data management plan from the NIH, intended to collect data from a phase 3 RCT on preeclampsia.
Florida PALM Consortium
This DMP was created for the Florida PALM project, which aims to implement a statewide accounting system.
Temple University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect audio recordings, surveys, and observations to revitalize and endangered language.
University of Alberta; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a DMP example for a fictional research study that will use a mixed-methods approach to collect participant data from interviews, surveys, and focus groups. This example uses the new Alliance Simplified Template (Funding Application Stage) which focuses on 5 questions that are helpful for a DMP that meets new Tri-Agency requirements.
Montreal Neurological Institute
This DMP aims to collect reaction time, choice, and eye-tracking data which will be used for a mock behavioral and eye-tracking project.
Portland State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect linguistic and developmental data to determine how phonological learning and bilingualism impacts development.
McMaster University; Offord Center for Child Studies
This DMP aims to collect questionnaires, personal data, computer-based tasks & output, ECG’s, EDA’s, videos, audio recordings, data analysis files, linkage data, interviews, and transcripts. This data will be used for the Promoting Healthy Families project, which will assess whether Triple P and COSP can help promote healthy family relationships.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
This is a sample data management plan created by the ICPRSR, intended to be edited and customized by the user. It is a general data management template with basic information filled in to give researchers an idea of where to start.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
This is a sample data management plan from the NIH, intended for submission to the NIMH, presenting a proposal to perform secondary analysis on data collected from human subjects.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
This is an example of a data management plan from the NIH, intended to collect anthropologic and public policy data from surveys and interviews.
University of Oregon; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This DMP aims to digitize data and create a database of semantics, lexicon, and morphemes to preserve the Nuu-wee-ya' language.
University of Edinburgh
This DMP aims to collect technical documents, and interview data from modeling entrepreneurs, and bank workers. This data will be used in the effort of investigating how machine learning is being integrated into finance.
University of Arizona; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will use longitudinal speech data of cancer survivors from another study to develop a Machine Learning model that can increase participant compliance with health lifestyle habits.
McMaster University
This is a student data management record created by the vascular dynamics lab. Although it was created for students working within this lab and is structured for kinesiology related research, it has broad applicability as an exit protocol for labs working across Natural and Health Sciences.
University of Manitoba; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This DMP aims to collect clinical data for 1000 women for an observational study to assess the effectiveness of a cardiovascular screening program and identify any potential biomarkers that are predicative for cardiovascular disease.
University of Zurich; ETH Zurich; University of Cambridge; Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
This data management plan aims to extend an existing study on the same topic by creating new data from surveys. This DMP also deals with sensitive identifiable data and anonymization practices.