Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
This DMP was created for the AfricaMalVal project, which aims to develop EU-Africa partnership for responsible and sustainable sourcing of minerals.
Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for the Blend System, which aims to provide a comprehensive accounting of groundfish catch. The project collects digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
Alaska Regional Office (AKRO); NOA Fisheries
This DMP was created for the Catch Accounting System, which aims to create total catch estimates for the groundfish fisheries. This DMP outlines the collection of digital numeric data, imagery, photographs, video, audio, database, and tabular data.
University of Sheffield; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is an annotated DMP template for a Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)grant containing guidance text produced by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and the University of Sheffield Library.
McMaster University
This DMP aims to collect info data, raw data, processed data, analyzed data, and report data. The goal of the project is to build a research and technology center to develop high-performance methods for biosensing and bioimaging.
CLARITY Consortium
This DMP is created for the CLARITY project which aims to provide an operational eco-system of cloud-based climate services.
CRACKER Consortium
This DMP was created in accordance with the project CRACKER, which aims to “crack the language barrier”. The DMP outlines the collection of various forms of data including, text, audio, video, machine-readable dictionaries, terminological resources, and computational grammars.
CYBECO Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the CYBECO project, which aims to collect data from various studies, to be used for supporting cyber insurance from a behavioral perspective.
Rice University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a set of sample DMPs produced by the Rice Research Data Management Team containing a preamble explaining recommended content and two Sample DMPs for Biosciences and Social and Behavioral Sciences.
California Ocean Science Trust
This DMP was created for California’s Statewide MPA Monitoring Program, collecting four levels of data. Data types include ecological data, fisheries landings data, environmental data, field and measurements.
University of Saskatchewan; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for research project utilizing technology and/or software for application in healthcare and medicine.
Leiden University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a DMP template for researchers at Leiden University, The Netherlands. It has a checkbox format instead of a paragraph format which could be useful for certain researchers.
University of Alberta; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for mixed-methods research where data is obtained from surveys and qualitative interviews/focus groups.
University of Calgary; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This is a template DMP for use in systematic review projects in any field.
University of Auckland
This DMP is an interdisciplinary template created for the University of Auckland.
University of Maryland, College Park; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP highlights how a Digital Curation Innovation Center will manage its data.
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
This DMP was created for the evaluation of how inDigiMOB achieves its intended outcomes of improving digital inclusion. The data expected to be collected includes transcriptions, activity reports, observational data, interview data, and other report data.
Fanshawe College
This DMP aims to collect textual information from articles found amongst seven research databases. This data will be used to explore the communication and correspondence between family caregivers and healthcare providers within long-term care.
This DMP aims to collect data on text and data mining (TDM) laws in Europe in order to reduce barriers for researchers to use these datasets.
Dalhousie University
This DMP aims to collect textual data including student responses, discussions, student performance statistics, circular materials, and other information. This data will be used to investigate collaborative discourse during the learning of procedural programming with the benefit of the online tool YellowDig.
McMaster University
This DMP aims to collect survey data, assessment data, interview data, audio recordings, transcriptions, document drafts, and data tables. This data will be used to create a set of design principles to empower university-level instructors to either incorporate generative AI tool use in assessments or to limit the impact of generative AI on the integrity of assessments.
University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This outlines best practices to include when writing DMPs. It shares examples of good language included in DMPs to highlight the importance of specificity in describing privacy and licensing, procedures, roles and responsibilities, data sharing, metadata, citation, and long-term archiving. It also gives examples of bad language in DMPs to demonstrate poor data management strategies.
Women Food and Agriculture Network
This DMP aims to collect both digital and non-digital including online program participant registrations, outreach materials, project activity tracking, and assessment questionnaires. This data will be used in the effort of providing more opportunities for women farmers, as well as boosting aspects of confidence, interest, commitment, and connectivity with respect to the farming field.
Stanford University
This DMP was created for exploring cooperative and sustainable agriculture movements/practices in India. It aims to collect digital recordings, transcriptions, interviews, biographical sketches, photographs and scans, notes, field notes, and observational data.
Genesys Consortium
This DMP is for the gEneSys project that aims to develop a better understanding on gendered power relations with respect to energy transitions. The project will mainly collected inputs from the public, including interview, survey, and assessment data.
This DMP was created for the InterFlex project, which aims to look at ways to adapt and modernize the electric distribution system. The DMP will outline the collection of documents, financial data, facility data, network data, and customer data.
Dalhousie University
This DMP aims to collect textual data including student responses, student performance statistics, code, circular materials, and other information. This data will be used to understand the use of visual representations for instructional purposes with intelligent programming tutors.
This DMP was created for the MAMEM project, which aims to advance technologies that will help the disabled better interact with multimedia. The data that will be collected includes signal processing algorithm data, clinical trial data, questionnaires, focus group information, and literature review data.
Universität Passau
This DMP was created for the MARIO project, which aims to use service robots to manage active and healthy aging. This DMP will outline the collection of survey data, patient profile information, and robot interaction datasets.
University of Nebraska--Lincoln; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect data to "reduce the risk of hazard material transportation, reduce crashes, improve emergency response times for unexpected events, and increase the overall safety of system workers and users."