Data Management Plan Database

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how you will manage, store, secure, document, and share research data. DMPs can vary broadly across disciplines, methodologies, and data types. DMPs are a growing requirement for grants, and can also guide data practices for individuals and teams. DMP Assistant is a free webtool that guides you through drafting your DMP and the easiest way to start building a DMP. 

Our database gathers examples from across the world including DMPs from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Qualitative DMP Competition, DataOne, Digital Curation Centre, Liber, the Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance, and UC San Diego Research Data Curation into one searchable, open-access platform. 

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Project Team: Rebeca Gaston Jothyraj (RDM Assistant - 2024), Shrey Acharya (RDM Assistant - 2023), Sarthak Behal (RDM Assistant 2022-23), Danica Evering and Isaac Pratt (RDM Specialists), Debbie Lawlor (Developer).

Data Management Plan Database

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Displaying 271 - 300 of 464

Florida PALM Consortium
This DMP was created for the Florida PALM project, which aims to implement a statewide accounting system.
University of Bristol; Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
This data management plan from the Department of Religion and Theology at the University of Bristol aims to create a series of mini-documentaries, a 30m documentary and a photo exhibition on Buddhist Cosmology.
Temple University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect audio recordings, surveys, and observations to revitalize and endangered language.
Purdue University System; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data on wastewater pharmaceutical concentration as well as pH, flow rate, solar intensity, and exposure time to better understand the degradation efficiency of these drugs.
Oregon State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will measure the impact change sea levels and melting of the ice sheet has on the marine biologic pump.
INEGI; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the LAY2FORM project which aims to create a new cost-effective multistage manufacturing platform. The DMP will outline the collection of experimental/ observation-derived data, models, documentation, simulation and structural studies, publications, measurements, software and algorithms, images, and videos.
Dalhousie University
This DMP aims to collect textual data including student responses, student performance statistics, code, circular materials, and other information. This data will be used to understand the use of visual representations for instructional purposes with intelligent programming tutors.
Oregon State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect marine data in order to determine the impact climate change has on marine fish and how they have responded.
Universität Bayreuth; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to generate a dataset from the analysis of 3 major urban areas in order to ascertain the "sources, pathways, and impact of freshwater microplastic pollution" to inform European decision makers about best strategies for prevention and mitigation.
Open Anthropology Research Repository

This DMP aims to collect texts, transcriptions, photographs, visual materials, audio, and translations.

University of Texas at Austin
This DMP outlines various questions to be used for creating a DMP for linguistic research.
University of Bristol
This DMP was created for the ALSPAC study, which is a multi-generation, geographically based cohort study of 14,541 pregnant mothers and their partners, offspring, and children from 1990-1992. This study data was used in a project about parental religious behavior and beliefs.
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP examines how changes in forest structure due to natural and manmade events like logging and forest fires in conjunction with other factors like climate, nutrient concentration etc. act to influence how fast trees grow, nitrogen is retained, and carbon is captured.
Curtin University
This DMP aims to collect group discussion data, interview data, and consumer records to analyze luxury item linked purchasing and consumer confidence trends.
Concordia University of Edmonton

This DMP aims to collect tweets from twitter, and use machine learning to analyze mental health patterns due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving
This DMP was created for the MAGIC project which studies marginal lands for growing industrial crops. The DMP will outline the collection of field trial data, crop data, yield result data, and quality result data.
This DMP was created for the MAMEM project, which aims to advance technologies that will help the disabled better interact with multimedia. The data that will be collected includes signal processing algorithm data, clinical trial data, questionnaires, focus group information, and literature review data.
Universität Passau
This DMP was created for the MARIO project, which aims to use service robots to manage active and healthy aging. This DMP will outline the collection of survey data, patient profile information, and robot interaction datasets.
University of Glasgow, Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
This data management plan from the University of Glasgow for the "Mapping Metaphor" project aims to create a website and a mobile application with worksheets, lesson plans, interactive activities and data tailored for use by secondary school pupils and others.
Lund University
This DMP aims to collect interview and measurement data in efforts to understand the role and agency of professionals in the migration/gender welfare regimes in Sweden and Italy.
Washington University; PDS Geosciences Node
This DMP was curated for the MARS exploration program, and aims to collect SPICE Files, and other engineering data.
MaX Consortium
This DMP was designed for the Centres of Excellence for HPC applications. It aims to collect various open-source first principles simulation codes.
MaX Consortium
This DMP was designed for the European Centre of Excellence in materials modeling, simulations and design. It aims to collect code and simulation data.
MELOA Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the MELOA project which aims to develop an advanced drifter for use in all water environments. The DMP will outline the collection of data samples from a previously developed drifter called the WAVY.
Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data from murine models to better understand platelet dysfunction and the molecular mechanisms that lead to disorders.
University of Colorado Boulder; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect atmospheric data in East Antarctica like cloud height and temperature.
University of Nebraska--Lincoln; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect data to "reduce the risk of hazard material transportation, reduce crashes, improve emergency response times for unexpected events, and increase the overall safety of system workers and users."
University of Colorado Boulder; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data along a stretch of the Canadian Artic to establish a baseline level of pollen that will be compared to current modern levels of pollen so that the effect of climate change on the Artic and subarctic ecosystems can be ascertained.
University of Alberta; Digital Research Alliance of Canada

This is a DMP example for a fictional research study that will use a mixed-methods approach to collect participant data from interviews, surveys, and focus groups.

Mobilise-D Consortium
This DMP aims to collect multi-sensor-lab data, single-sensor data, multi-sensor-home data, patient reported outcomes, semi-structured interviews, GPS annotated data, and legacy data. This data will be used for the Mobilise-D project which will connect digital mobility assessments to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement.