Data Management Plan Database

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how you will manage, store, secure, document, and share research data. DMPs can vary broadly across disciplines, methodologies, and data types. DMPs are a growing requirement for grants, and can also guide data practices for individuals and teams. DMP Assistant is a free webtool that guides you through drafting your DMP and the easiest way to start building a DMP. 

Our database gathers examples from across the world including DMPs from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Qualitative DMP Competition, DataOne, Digital Curation Centre, Liber, the Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance, and UC San Diego Research Data Curation into one searchable, open-access platform. 

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Project Team: Rebeca Gaston Jothyraj (RDM Assistant - 2024), Shrey Acharya (RDM Assistant - 2023), Sarthak Behal (RDM Assistant 2022-23), Danica Evering and Isaac Pratt (RDM Specialists), Debbie Lawlor (Developer).

Data Management Plan Database

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Displaying 391 - 420 of 464

Arizona State University
This DMP aims to collect seedlings establishment population data, seedlings density, statistical analyses, and text information. This data will be used in the efforts of studying seedling establishment and woody-plant encroachment in southwest rangelands.
Lund University
This DMP aims to collect audio material, datasets containing the results of acoustic analysis, and code scripts. This data will be used in the efforts of studying sensory biases in nonverbal communication.
UC San Diego; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a sample data management plan from UC San Diego which details a proposal to conduct research intended to improve hospital functions.
This DMP was created for the SHOWCASE project which aims to help farmers that are capitalizing on native biodiversity. The DMP outlines the collection of experimental design data, literature reviews, modeling data, performance analysis data, and assessment data.
Stanford University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect patient clinical data in order to develop a guideline to diagnose teens suffering from MSK pain.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
This DMP was created for the SIMPATICO project, which aims to use information technology to improve the experience of citizens and companies in their daily interactions with the public administration. The datasets that will be collected include logging/feedback, citizenpedia, and citizen personal data.
UC San Diego; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a data management plan from UC San Diego which details a strategy to collect and analyze data for application in the decision and risk management sciences.
University of Massachusetts Amherst; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
DMP for conducting a plant-based genomics research working with both observational and experimental data collected in lab as well as bioinformatic databases generated by computer models.
Walla Walla Community College; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data to evaluate the progress made by projects that were given the S-STEM Grant through both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Montana State University
This DMP was curated for the STARS project, which aims to develop and deploy a framework for soil testing, analysis, and risk-management. The data collected will include education data, administrative data, research data, evaluation data, satellite and geospatial data, unmanned aerial systems images, and regression models.
National Centre for Healthy Ageing
This DMP aims to take a population approach for monitoring dementia frequency, risk factors and management. The DMP will outline the collection of clinical data, patient data, and other health data.
This DMP aims to collect audio, video, transcriptions,  field notes, artifacts, and survey data. These combined pieces will aid in the STEMco project, which aims to develop data-driven and research-based approaches, and associated training materials, for accommodating community multilingualism and individual plurilingualism in school communities throughout Europe.
University of Cadiz; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the STIMEY project which aims to create an educational platform that will make STEM education more attractive to young people. The DMP will outline the collection of statistical reports, individual profile data, professional data, personal information, and academic data.
Bath Spa University
This DMP aims to collect a maximum of 30 audio record interviews, and other publicly available information about community projects. This data will be used to explore how using stories accelerates impact in research.
STRADIV Consortium
This DMP was created for the STRADIV project, which aims to outline the conditions needed for an ecological transition of agroecosystems. The data collected includes agronomic data, experimental data, survey data, and  observational data.
Boise State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data from students and teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of various assessment instruments.
Harvard University
This DMP aims to collect survey data in pdf, video, and image formats. This data will be collected for the SMART trial, in efforts to study mental and reproductive health in teens.
University of California, Santa Cruz; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data on geophysical, pedological, and hydrological data to characterize "water storage and flow path behavior in the subsurface environments of two headwater catchments in the Appalachian Mountains (Western Carolina Hydrologic Research Station) and Piedmont (Duke Forest Research Watershed).
RINA-C; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the SunHorizon project, which aims to create sun coupled innovative heat pumps. The data collected includes experimental data, observational data, simulation data, and derived data.
UC San Diego; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a data management plan from UC San Diego which details a strategy to collect and analyze raw data.
Curtin University
This DMP aims to collect observational data on marine vertebrates including surveys and photos.
National Institute on Aging (NIA); Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This sample DMP aims to collect data from an accelerometer, surveys, and semi-structured interviews from 250 participants.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
This is an example of a data management plan from the NIH, intended to collect anthropologic and public policy data from surveys and interviews.
National Institute on Aging (NIA); Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) aims to add to an existing longitudinal project by conducting another wave of data collection from 13 000 web-surveys and 200 health exams. This will be shared under a restricted use agreement.
University of New Hampshire; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This DMP collects data from interviews to better understand the "approaches and challenges associated with teaching data …" particularly quantitative data in the social sciences to undergraduate students.
University of Edinburgh
This DMP aims to collect photos, videos, sketches of elements, survey observations, and project documents, in order to understand from a technical perspective, how to reconstruct French cathedrals after the first world war.
National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Human Genome Research Institute Home (NHGRI)
This sample data management plan from the NIH, intended for submission to the NHGRI, outlines a technology development project that will collect nanospore sequence data, whole genome sequence data, and RNA sequence data from 20 human cell lines via a biobank.
University of Oregon; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This DMP aims to digitize data and create a database of semantics, lexicon, and morphemes to preserve the Nuu-wee-ya' language.
Syracuse University; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This is a data management plan for an NSF proposal to produce web-collected data, survey data, interview data, and coded legal texts which will be shared in the Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) at the Syracuse University.
Catholic University of America
This DMP aims to create a digital collection of Nepalese Journal Articles, working with mainly pdf files.