Carnegie Mellon University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP outlines the criteria that University Transportation Centers must meet in their DMPs to conduct research projects.
Montreal Neurological Institute
This DMP aims to collect reaction time, choice, and eye-tracking data which will be used for a mock behavioral and eye-tracking project.
University of Edinburgh
This DMP aims to collect medical record data, questionnaire data, images, genotypic data, and quantitative molecular genetic data. This data will be used in the effort of enhancing molecular pathology cancer epidemiology studies.
University of Florida; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will use data from existing datasets that are already largely public to conduct analyses and create computational models to answer the research question.
Baylor University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect genetic data from experiments to understand and provide a solution to the "increase in "insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors of human pathogens."
National Science Foundation (NSF)
This DMP was created by the NSF as a template for Computer and Information Science and Engineering.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
This DMP was created by the NSF as a template for Engineering.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
This DMP was created by the NSF as a template for Education and Human Resources.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
This DMP was created by the NSF as a template for Materials Research.
James Madison University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This project aims to design quality and inclusion into cyber-human systems. Their DMP uses the NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering DMP template to outline their plan to care for and de-identify demographic, Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale–Revised (RAADS-R), and NASA Task Load Index data.
Neurofibres consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the Neurofibres project, which works in the area of neurodegenerative bio-electronics. It aims to collect laboratory data, research data, scientific texts, and other documents.
University of Alabama; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data from public safety organizations to identify and develop public safety innovations.
National Institute on Aging (NIA); Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect videographic data to generate cardiac physiological profiles taking into consideration behavioral and autonomic nervous system data from 500 subjects.
National Institute on Aging (NIA); Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP supports a study on rodent electrophysiology, behavior, and imaging data, which will be archived in Distributed Archives for Neurophysiology Data Integration (DANDI).
University of Guelph
This DMP aims to collect DNA sequences acquired from MiSeq analysis of soil metagenomic DNA. This data will be used to investigate approaches for assessing biological indicators of soil health.
Colorado State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will collect primary research data on field observations, lab analysis, simulation models, GIS maps, etc. to answer the research question.
Munster Technological University
This DMP aims to collect observational, co-design, and intervention data. This data will be used in the aim to develop an effective digital nutrition intervention to promote healthier eating habits and behaviors for individuals with EMHD.
University of Oxford
This DMP aims to collect audio, video, photographs, written information, and geospatial data. This data will be used for investigating the agricultural practices of broomcorn millet and foxtail millet during prehistoric times.
ONFARM Consortium
This DMP was curated for the ONFARM project in aid of dealing with their soil health data, and their water quality/quantity data.
University of British Columbia
This DMP aims to collect Qualtrics survey data in the efforts of examining open data practices amongst engineering researchers at UBC.
Medical College of Wisconsin; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data in order to assess the challenges associated with the implementation of widespread PrEP injection rollout to combat HIV.
Karolinska Institutet
This DMP aims to collect laboratory measurements, diagnosis and procedural data, information about mortality, and clinical characteristic data of disease. All data will be used in aid of identifying best clinical practices for effective and safe use of medications for Chronic Kidney Disease.
Monash University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This large-scale project aims to generate an integrated model of primary healthcare for refugee clients in Australia. Their DMP is an excellent example of an in-depth process-based DMP that outlines governance, organization, documentation, and storage for all data types, and sharing and access (including how requests should be made).
University of Arizona; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This document is an in-depth process Data Management Plan for the OSIRIS-REx project. This outlines generation and validation of mission, spacecraft, instrumentation, calibration, algorithms, software, and other data for an asteroid sample return project.
University of Southern California; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP outlines a plan for documenting and preserving transportation data so that it is accessible for future use in evaluating the safety and efficacy of the transportation centre.
The University of Sheffield; National Health Service (NHS); National Institute for Health Research
This protocol was created for the PRAISE trial, which aims to study pain relief after instrumented spinal surgery. The DMP portions of the protocol are sections 14 and 15, and will outline the management of study records, medical records, and source data.
University of Birmingham
This DMP was created for the PANINI Project which focuses on healthy aging research from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The data collected for this project includes personal data, biological samples, questionnaires, and blood samples.
UMC Utrecht
This DMP aims to collect blood samples and EPD samples, in order to investigate the clinical performance of a liquid biopsy test.
Washington State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data on a drug to determine its pharmokinetic abilities as well as its practicality and feasibility in preventing opioid drug abuse.
Portland State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect linguistic and developmental data to determine how phonological learning and bilingualism impacts development.