University of Alabama; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data to better understand the relationship between ethnic heterogeneity and public goods provision across Latin America.
EuDEco Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP aims to collect case study data, model data, survey data, and observational data for the EuDEco project. This project will indulge in establishing a self-sustaining data market in the context of developing the data economy.
Bangor University
This DMP aims to collect demographic data, numeric data, and raw and standardized score measurements. This data will aid with investigating the combined effectiveness of language and literacy interventions on reading outcomes in primary school children.
Durham University
This DMP aims to take a qualitative approach through the use of research interviews and solicited diaries. The data mentioned above will be used to investigate the manner in which LGBTQ language instructors navigate across the highly complex environment of Vietnamese language education.
FACTS4WORKERS Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP was created for the FACTS4WORKERS project, which aims to use its collected data to develop and demonstrate workplace solutions that support and empower workers using smart factory infrastructure. The data to be collected includes 41 interviews with workers at 6 industrial partners, photos, videos, and data from focus groups.
Florida Atlantic University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data for a Master thesis by interviewing en-wheeled women to better understand how they may engage in "hyperfeminist as a stigma management technique in order to diminish a sexualization."
University of London
This DMP aims to survey approximately 2,000 UK residents online. This survey will focus on collecting financial info and trust-related questions.
FIRES Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP aims to collect interview data, and numerical data, in order to assist the FIRES project. This project will look into smart, inclusive and sustainable growth in Europe, specifically pertaining to entrepreneurial activity.
University of Nottingham
This DMP aims to collect survey data that will be used to provide the information needed to further inform and address food insecurity in Nottinghamshire.
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; LIBER
This DMP aims to collect data to monitor the effect of energy efficiency policies in buildings and transport factors to aid in government policy decision making.
University of California, Davis; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect and sample data from the Twitter API for subsequent use in social science research to better understand social media communication during a crisis.
Newcastle University
This DMP aims to collect survey data from a minimum of 30 participants for the purpose of identifying higher order therapy skills.
Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP will use information from police incident and investigation reports from 5 different jurisdictions in America to investigate the impact 25 specific demographic factors have on how a case is sentenced or whether it is charged.
University of Idaho; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data from 3 surveys answered by students to determine the effectiveness of hands-on exploration activity designed to increase student proficiency in programming and coding.
Department of Psychology; University of York; Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
This data management plan from the Department of Psychology at the University of York deals with the creation of primary data in the form of "numerical reaction times recorded over a number of trials and sessions per participant."
University of Waterloo
This DMP aims to collect survey data to better understand the social divisions and social inequalities in Canada.
Florida PALM Consortium
This DMP was created for the Florida PALM project, which aims to implement a statewide accounting system.
Open Anthropology Research Repository
This DMP aims to collect texts, transcriptions, photographs, visual materials, audio, and translations.
Curtin University
This DMP aims to collect group discussion data, interview data, and consumer records to analyze luxury item linked purchasing and consumer confidence trends.
Lund University
This DMP aims to collect interview and measurement data in efforts to understand the role and agency of professionals in the migration/gender welfare regimes in Sweden and Italy.
Carnegie Mellon University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP outlines the criteria that University Transportation Centers must meet in their DMPs to conduct research projects.
University of Alabama; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data from public safety organizations to identify and develop public safety innovations.
University of Southern California; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP outlines a plan for documenting and preserving transportation data so that it is accessible for future use in evaluating the safety and efficacy of the transportation centre.
Portland State University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect linguistic and developmental data to determine how phonological learning and bilingualism impacts development.
High Point University; Western Washington University; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This is a DMP for conducting ethnographic research in order to ascertain the impact of novel urban policies in Nicaragua.
Bates College; Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition
This DMP lays out a plan for fieldnotes, interview notes and recordings, survey responses, and metadata to analyze playtesting in videogame development.
Cégep de Jonquière; Digital Research Alliance of Canada
This DMP aims to collect qualitative and quantitative data from semi-structured interviews and surveys to evaluate how millennials adapt to adulthood.
Dalhousie University
This DMP aims to collect survey data consisting of demographic data, alcohol usage data, and data related to impulsivity and anxiety sensitivity.
R2PI Consortium; University of Vienna (PHAIDRA)
This DMP aims to collect research and case study data for the R2Pi project, which has the intent of developing sustainable business models to create a circular economy.
University of Massachusetts Amherst; Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance
This DMP aims to collect data to answer the following research question: "Why did the United States and Germany extend the franchise to racialized minorities respectively in the 1960s and 1990s whereas Austria persisted their disenfranchising citizenship policy?"