Submitted by pratti on
Service Paragraphs

OSF is a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration.


Transfer of data to OSF storage is encrypted with SSL. Data is not encrypted at rest. Medium and High risk data must be manually encrypted before being uploaded to OSF. Care should be taken to ensure Medium or High risk data is NOT uploaded to public projects. 

Storage Available

5 GB for private projects or components, 50 GB for public projects or components. Other storage services can be linked to increase storage.


OSF accounts are free to anyone.

File size limits

5 GB

Backup details

OSF Storage uses Google Cloud for both active and archival storage. File backups are hosted in regional coldline buckets, and there are twice daily backup jobs performed.

Data hosting location

Data is stored in Canada by default but user information, wiki content, comments, etc  are stored in the USA.

Sharing capabilities

OSF projects can be made public or private, and anyone can sign up for an OSF account. Collaborators can be added to projects with differeing levels of permissions set by the project owner.

Example use case

OSF is an amazing tool for open science. OSF is an excellent platform for research collaboration. Pages can be created for research labs,  allowing for the creation of lab wikis and documents, organizing all lab materials in one place. Project pages for individual research projects are great for collaboration, with version control and common file access. OSF also can be used to make a great academic profile for students, with pages for each research project or interest.


Contact rdmgmt@mcmaster.ca for help getting started on OSF

How to get started

Anyone can make an OSF account by going to https://osf.io/register McMaster does not currently have an institutional membership so institutional sign in is not available.

Technical Complexity


Access protocol

Web portal

Open platform for collaborative research