McMaster Dataverse
McMaster Dataverse a collection within Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository. McMaster Dataverse is our Institutional Data Repository, a place for researchers to share and archive their research data. Dataverse is an open source repository software developed at Harvard which provides secure access controls, licensing, version management, data citation, DOI minting, and more.
Dataverse should not be used to store medium or high risk data. In some instances, data being placed on Dataverse should be kept locked with only metadata available. Other researchers who wish to re-use that data could then sign a data sharing agreement before obtaining access.
Contact us if you are depositing over 10 GB.
No cost for users.
2.5 GB
Borealis makes backup copies of the data you upload regularly in the event of a server or system malfunction, malicious attack, or other technical issue. All datasets receive monthly integrity checks in combination with safe storage to protect against data loss and corruption, as outlined in the Borealis Preservation Plan.
Data is stored in the Ontario Library Research Cloud (OLRC). The OLRC is a community cloud storage network comprised of five storage nodes located at the University of Toronto, the University of Guelph, the University of Ottawa, York University, and Queen’s University.
Any data uploaded to McMaster Dataverse by default is open but datasets or individual files can be restricted and made available to only authorized users through an approval process you control.
Dataverse is a great place for depositing data for sharing, re-use, or preservation once a research project is complete. Many journals and funders now require sharing of data.
Researchers can login to Dataverse using their MacID and password. They can then upload a dataset which goes through a curation review process by McMaster RDM staff.
Web portal