Submitted by pratti on
Service Paragraphs

The Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a National Data repository. Any researcher affiliated with a Canadian institution can deposit data into FRDR. The platform can efficiently ingest datasets of any size, and preservation processing is done automatically. Data professionals from the Portage Network and institutions across Canada work with researchers to curate and approve deposited items. FRDR also provides powerful functionality to search for Canadian research data. The search tool aggregates metadata from numerous repositories.


FRDR should not be used to store medium or high risk data. Data from research with human participants must be de-identified or anonymized before upload.

Storage Available

1TB by default, more available upon request



File size limits


Backup details

Regular backups and geographically distributed storage for research data. FRDR aims for secure repository storage for a minimum of 10 years after deposit

Data hosting location

Data storage is spread across multiple Compute Canada Federation hosting sites.

Sharing capabilities

All data deposited into FRDR is publicly available, although deposits can be embargoed for up to 1 year. Collaborators can be added to data submissions.

Example use case

FRDR is designed to provide a repository platform for all Canadian researchers. FRDR is an excellent choice for depositing large research datasets, and provides curation, discovery, and preservation services. 


Email for help directly or contact us at for help getting started.

How to get started

Documentation on how to deposit data can be found on the FRDR webpage.

Technical Complexity


Access protocol

Web portal, data transfer uses Globus.

Find and Share Canadian Research Data